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Sink deep into your heart and connect with earth and sky,
listen to your soul's wisdom

Let the healing sounds guide you through the worlds of light. 
Into the universal field where EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE and where LOVE is the ultimate Answer


1:1 Akasha Journey

with soundhealing

What is the Akasha?

What is the Akasha?
"Akasha" means heaven, space or ether.  Every living thing - every person, every plant and every place has Akashic energy. 
The Akasha is like a huge, intergalactic hard drive in which all your experiences and actions of this and your past lives are stored.


Everything that YOU ARE, WERE and WILL BE is written in the Akashic Records. It is a kind of "library" that contains all the informations you need to look into the past, present and future. You constantly feed this field with your feelings and thoughts. 

Here, too, you are the creator and can rewrite your Akasha.


The Akasha is also regarded as a vibrational field of love.


It is the most beautiful and highest spiritual tool and makes it possible to release karmic entanglements, unhealthy energetic connections, traumas, fears, ancestral issues and belief structures.


The Akashic Field therefore contains all the information you need to clarify questions about personal relationships, your profession, long-term illnesses and emotional blockages. It often uncovers dormant talents and shows you all knowledge, wisdom, love and healing.


Every soul makes its own journey...

Where does YOUR soul want to travel to?

Journey Procedure

First we drink a cup of raw cacao together,

which leads you into your heart and helps you to find clarity.

(In an Online Session you can also use Cacao).


We find your Intention& Question for which you want an answer - the problem for which you need a solution.


From here I will guide you into a deep relaxation of body and mind. You connect with the present moment and expand your heart space.


From this inner centerdness we then travel upwards into your AKASHA. I will accompany you!

The whole time I am at your side and guide you through the worlds of light.


The Akasha Journey is accompanied by healing sounds - frequencies that support you on your journey. 
The sounds and vibrations will bring your body into balance. Your mind becomes calm.

You enter a deep state of relaxation and the sound fills you deep into your cells - it creates HARMONY and REORGANISATION.


I intuitively use my voice, drum, crystal bowls, sansula, koshis and other sounds,
depending on which frequency is needed for support.



The Journey will be recorded and send to you he next day.


Duration of the Journey: approx. 2hrs

Woman with hand on her heart


222€ (in person)

188€ (online)


Corfu in person special: 155€

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